Search for tag: "bigtap"

V3b R and RStudio Windows installation (2017)

This is a video demonstration on how to set up a Windows-based PC for using R and R Studio. It was used for the 2017 BigTap Summer boot camp as precourse material.

From  James C Fleet 11 plays 0  

V3a Installing R and RStudio MacOSX (2017)

The was a precourse exercise for the 2017 BigTap Boot camp. It explains how to set up an Apple personal computer for using R and R studio.

From  James C Fleet 10 plays 0  

Intro to course resources 2018 boot camp

From  James C Fleet 62 plays 0  

Course content overview 2018 boot camp

This is an overview of the topics to be covered in the Purdue Summer boot camp on big data training for biomedical researchers.

From  James C Fleet 66 plays 0  

Transcription Factor Binding Site Prediction in DNA

In this video we explain the concepts for searching DNA to find transcription factor binding sites. This includes a discussion of databases and tools as well as a demonstration of a simple tool…

From  James C Fleet 783 plays 0  

Using IGV to visualize DNA-seq data

In this video we use IGV to visualize DNA-seq data. The demonstration uses date from the ENCODE project as well as BED file made from supplemental data in a published paper.

From  James C Fleet 241 plays 0  


This video introduce why omics data are important for biomarker discovery.

From  Min Zhang 63 plays 0  


This video explains the concept of different type of biomarkers and the clinical application of these biomarkers with examples.

From  Min Zhang 76 plays 0  


This video is an introduction about the background and significance of biomarker discovery, esp. why the biomarker is the key to precision medicine.

From  Min Zhang 92 plays 0  


This video is a brief introduction for the learning objectives of the next two units.

From  Min Zhang 87 plays 0  

An introduction to IGV and its use for visualizaing RNA-seq data

This video has two purposes. First, it is an introduction to the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV). Afterwards we demonstrate how IGV can be used to visualize RNA-seq data.

From  James C Fleet 2,021 plays 0  

Unit 2 Overview for Online Course 2018

This video presents an overview of the topics that will be covered in Unit 2 of the BigTap online course.

From  James C Fleet 105 plays 0  

1080 Getting Started With Jupyter

This video explains how Jupyter notebooks work and how to use them. It is an essential prelude to the BigTap On-line course.

From  James C Fleet 178 plays 0  

Getting started with Jupyter notebooks

This video provides an overview of how to open, navigate, edit, save, restart, and close Jupyter notebooks for the BigTap on-line course.

From  James C Fleet 177 plays 0  

Course Resources

This is a brief overview of the four major course resources that students will use in the BigTap on-line course.

From  James C Fleet 223 plays 0  

Hierarchical clustering and heatmaps in GenePattern

This video introduces the GenePattern repository of user friendly bioinformatic tools. Afterwards we use GenePattern to make and visualize hierarchical clusters and heatmaps using trancriptome data.

From  James C Fleet 334 plays 0