From Brett A Creech
This video will show how students may submit video assignments to Blackboard Learn using the Kaltura mashup. -
From Brett A Creech
This video shows how students and instructors may use the Kaltura mashup in Blackboard Learn to upload videos to the Discussion Board. -
From Brett A Creech
Tech Today from March 2018 features Prof. Travis Fuerst from Computer Graphics Technology speaking about his experiences using Gradescope. Additionally, a team of… -
From Brett A Creech
Tech Today from April 2018 features a discussion on accessibility from Dean Brusnighan and David Schwarte, Assistive Technology Specialists with ITaP. Additionally,… -
This video will walk you through how to setup topics and polls in Hotseat.
From Brett A Creech
Weighted Grades in Blackboard: Assigning Weights to Categories and Columns (Video 5 of 5)