03:47:33duration 3 hours 47 minutes
Psychedelic Summit "50th Anniversary…
Psychedelic Summit "50th Anniversary Celebration of LSD"
From Benjamin Tweed Parnin
51:43duration 51 minutes 43 seconds
Erin McKenna: Using our Best Friends: A…
Erin McKenna: Using our Best Friends: A Pragmatist Take on Dogs and Cats in Biomedical Research, September 26, 2012
56:45duration 56 minutes 45 seconds
Edouard Machery: Why this Interest in Races?:…
Edouard Machery: Why this Interest in Races?: Race, Science, and Ethics, October 17, 2012
45:18duration 45 minutes 18 seconds
Robert Klitzman: Am I My Genes?: Confronting Fate…
Robert Klitzman: Am I My Genes?: Confronting Fate and Family Secrets in the Age of Genetic Testing , November 7, 2012
01:18:12duration 1 hour 18 minutes
Mark Sheldon: Children, Families, and Medicine,…
Mark Sheldon: Children, Families, and Medicine, April 3, 2013
45:45duration 45 minutes 45 seconds
Dale Jamieson: Reason in a Dark Time: Ethics and…
Dale Jamieson: Reason in a Dark Time: Ethics and Politics in a Greenhouse World, April 9, 2013
01:00:22duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Bert Rockman: When Certainty of Mind Meets…
Bert Rockman: When Certainty of Mind Meets Uncertain Results: Prospects for the Affordable Care Act , April 7, 2014
49:04duration 49 minutes 4 seconds
Tina Rulli: The Duty to Take Rescue Precautions:…
Tina Rulli: The Duty to Take Rescue Precautions: Defending a Health Insurance Mandate , September 13, 2013
01:03:14duration 1 hour 3 minutes
Dorthy Roberts: Fatal Invention: The New…
Dorthy Roberts: Fatal Invention: The New Biopolitics of Race in America , November 6, 2013
53:23duration 53 minutes 23 seconds
Thomas Pogge: Global Health Care Availability and…
Thomas Pogge: Global Health Care Availability and the Health Impact Fund , February 26, 2014
01:01:59duration 1 hour 1 minute
Rebecca Kukla: Structural Bias and the…
Rebecca Kukla: Structural Bias and the Commercialization of Medicine , April 9, 2014
43:04duration 43 minutes 4 seconds
Gary Comstock: Feeling Matters: The Role of…
Gary Comstock: Feeling Matters: The Role of Animals in Sustainable Communities , October 9, 2014
52:20duration 52 minutes 20 seconds
Howarth Bouis: Biofortification: Attenuating the…
Howarth Bouis: Biofortification: Attenuating the Injustice of Global Malnutrition
54:20duration 54 minutes 20 seconds
Lisa Heldke: Pragmatist Philosophical Reflections…
Lisa Heldke: Pragmatist Philosophical Reflections on GMOs , February 4, 2015
01:11:46duration 1 hour 11 minutes
Thomas Hertel: Climate Change, Poverty, and Food…
Thomas Hertel: Climate Change, Poverty, and Food Security , September 30, 2015
01:24:28duration 1 hour 24 minutes
Peter Carruthers: Animal Minds are Real,…
Peter Carruthers: Animal Minds are Real, (Distinctively) Human Minds are Not , November 18, 2015