Search for tag: "quality"

STAT 513 01.01 What Is Quality

+19 More
From  Timothy Keaton 4 plays 0  

12-08-20 12_45_20

From  Steven Raymond Myszak 22 plays 0  

Advisor Assembly 12/12/2019 -- Summer Session and Financial Aid

December 12, 2019 Advisor Assembly Topic: Summer…

From  Molly E Gilbert 19 plays

Implications of Big Data for Data Management

From  Chao Cai 22 plays 0  

File Level Documentation

From  Chao Cai 24 plays 0  

What is Data QA_QC?

From  Chao Cai 44 plays 0  

Critiquing Data Sets

From  Chao Cai 46 plays 0  

Planning For Clean Data

From  Chao Cai 54 plays 0  

Types of Data

From  Chao Cai 32 plays 0  


From  Chao Cai 40 plays 0  

Summer 2019 - LYO Summer School / Lyo PRONTO

+45 More
From  Jennifer H Gray 7 plays 0  

Academic Advisor Assembly re: BoilerConnect Notetaking

From  Christina R King 31 plays 0  

Fall 2018 - ABE303 - Verma

+67 More
From  Mohit S Verma 46 plays 0  

Visualization: Critical Thinking for Design

From  Chao Cai 61 plays 0  

Metadata for sharing

From  Chao Cai 17 plays 0  

Data Cleaning and Quality Assurance

+15 More
From  Chao Cai 27 plays 0