Search for tag: "research process"

How We Cite

This brief video explores the basic mechanics of…

From  Sarah C Reifel 1,193 plays 0  

Why We Cite Our Sources

This brief video discusses the importance of…

From  Sarah C Reifel 1,260 plays 0  

Selecting a Database for your Research Topic

This brief video explores strategies for picking…

From  Sarah C Reifel 1,310 plays 0  

Accessing Materials from the Purdue Libraries' Catalog

This brief video explores how to get ahold of…

From  Sarah C Reifel 1,413 plays 0  

Searching for Materials in the Libraries' Catalog

This brief video shares strategies for searching…

From  Sarah C Reifel 2,021 plays 0  

Selecting a Research Topic

This brief video explores ways in which you can…

From  Sarah C Reifel 2,591 plays 0