Search for tag: "courses (education)"

English 10500 Last Week of Classes

+14 More
From  Mita Choudhury 32 plays 0  


From  Tracy Clark 1 plays 0  


From  Tracy Clark 10 plays 0  


From  Tracy Clark 9 plays 0  

Introduction to ILS595 Fall 2019

From  Chao Cai 15 plays 0  

NUR651 Syllabus overview

From  Vivian Ott 28 plays 0  

ENGL 421Y: Module 1 Introduction

Welcome to ENGL 421Y! This week, we'll…

From  Allegra Smith 44 plays 0  


From  Tracy Clark 6 plays 0  


From  Tracy Clark 4 plays 0  


From  Tracy Clark 2 plays 0  

MGMT 295 Opportunity

From  Brooke A Linn 17 plays 0  

Lata Krishnan 2018 CILMAR Minigrant Presentation

As part of the HubICL collection of 2018 CILMAR…

From  Kris Acheson-Clair 82 plays

Module 5

+15 More
From  John Dudek 36 plays 0  

02-01-19 01_19_43

+15 More
From  Elizabeth Topp 135 plays 0  


From  John Dudek 60 plays 0  

Module 1

From  John Dudek 39 plays 0