Search for tag: "collaboration"

Introduction to Digital Literacy

Created for TECH 102, September 2021

From  Chao Cai 44 plays 0  

Just Start

+48 More
From  Scott Hutcheson 37 plays 0  


+39 More
From  Scott Hutcheson 33 plays 0  

Teamwork & Collaboration

+58 More
From  Scott Hutcheson 81 plays 0  

Academic Advisor Assembly re: BoilerConnect Notetaking

From  Christina R King 31 plays 0  

Building a Strong HCI Team-Generation 5

Presented by Matt Crouch (OCRA), Lionel…

From  Emily Del Real 10 plays 0  

HCI: How to Write a Competitive Application March 6, 2017

From  Jennifer J Helfrich 13 plays 0  

HCI: Building a Strong Team, September 21, 2016

+8 More
From  Jennifer J Helfrich 12 plays 0  

How to Write a Competitive Application - Hometown Collaboration Initiative - June 2016

Presented:June 15, 2016 Presented by: Geoff…

From  Jennifer J Helfrich 38 plays 0  

Gearing Up: Webinar on Builidng our HCI Team

Hometown Collaboration Initiative January 13,…

+5 More
From  Jennifer J Helfrich 15 plays 0  

How to Write a Competitive 2015 HCI Application

Presented Thursday, September 17, 2015 This…

From  Jennifer J Helfrich 34 plays 0  

HCI Building Block Options: Investing in Your Community's Leadership

During session seven of the HCI Foundation Phase,…

+7 More
From  Jennifer J Helfrich 84 plays 0  

HCI Building Block Options: Economy Video

During session seven of the HCI Foundation Phase,…

+9 More
From  Jennifer J Helfrich 70 plays 0  

HCI Building Block Options: Placemaking Video

During session seven of the Hometown…

+8 More
From  Jennifer J Helfrich 90 plays 0